Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Oh Rob

Re-Branding God: Museful Numinosity


A reader who calls herself Sally Skeptic wrote me the following email: 

Dear Rob: I sure don’t like so much God stuff mixed into your various writings. And Goddess stuff. What a mess! Can you cut it out, please?  

I understand it’s common for the desperate delusional masses to believe in an Ultra Being, but you? Pul-lease. You’re smarter than that.  

I just can’t abide all the “Divine Wow” and “Cackling Goddess” nonsense you dispense; it doesn’t jibe with the practical, sensible, unsuperstitious, non-mushy world that I hold dear—and that I see represented mostly accurately in your work. 

—Sally Skeptic 

Here’s my response to Sally Skeptic: 

Dear Sally: I can’t accommodate you. You will have to keep dealing with the cognitive dissonance that arises from reading the oracles of a “smart” person who also has an intimate relationship with You-Know-Who. 

Just so you’re clear about how I perceive the Living Intelligent Consciousness That Pervades Every Cubic Inch of the Universe: It is the interplay of the Supernal NonBinaries: the Divine Wow formerly called “God” and the Blooming HaHa formerly called “Goddess.” 

More precisely, it is the Torrential and Torturous Ecstasy spawned anew every nanosecond by the glide of the Divine YaYa’s virile eternity against the Blooming HaHa’s voluptuous infinity. It is the Cosmic Fuck that recreates the universe again and again in every nanosecond. 

And here’s my place in that great mystery: I seek the highest possible bond with its stupendous delight; I aspire to locate myself permanently in the crux of the flux of the Cosmic Fuck. 


Experiments and exercises in becoming a bewilderingly enlightened, ecstatically grateful Master of Fiendishly Benevolent Tricks

1. Philosopher Robert Anton Wilson proposed that the single greatest contribution to world peace would come from there being over eight billion different religions—a unique spiritual path for each person on the planet.

The Beauty and Truth Lab urges you to get started on doing your part to make this happen. What will your religion be called? What rituals will you perform? Write down your three core tenets.

2. You'll also need a new name for the Creator. "God" and "Goddess" have been so overused and abused that most of us are numb to them. And given the spiritual opportunities that will open up for you as you explore pronoia, you can't afford to have an impaired sensitivity toward the Great Mystery.

Here's an idea to stimulate your search: The Russian word for God is "Bog." The Basques call the Supreme Being "Jingo." To purge your psychic dockets of built-up fixations about deity, you might try singing improvisational prayers to "Jingo Bog."

Here are a few other fresh names to inspire you:

Blooming HaHa

Divine Wow


Sublime Cackler

Chthonic Riddler

3. Since ancient times, China has hosted three religions: Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. Many Chinese people have cobbled together a mélange of beliefs gathered from all three. This is different from the Western way, which is to be faithful to one religion or another, never mixing and matching.

But that's changing in certain enclaves in North America, where growing numbers of seekers are adopting the Chinese approach. They borrow elements from a variety of spiritual traditions to create a personalized path. Religious historians call this syncretism.

As you meditate on conjuring up your own unique mode of worship, think of the good parts you'd like to steal from other religions.

4. Most religions designate a special class of people—priests, rabbis, ayatollahs—to oversee official communications with the Source. This has led to a prevailing assumption, even among those who don't follow an established faith, that we can't initiate a divine conversation without the aid of a professional class of trained mediators. Among some sects of the ancient gnostics, in contrast, everyone was regarded as a potential prophet who could experience epiphanies worthy of becoming part of the ever-­evolving doctrine.

The equivalent today would be if the Bible were regarded as an unfinished text to which every Christian or Jew might be eligible to add new content.

As you create your own spiritual path, experiment with this do-it-yourself approach. What might you do to eliminate the middleman and commune directly with the Source?

5. The chorus of an old Depeche Mode song goes like this: "I ­don't want to start / any blasphemous rumors / But I think that God's / got a sick sense of humor / And when I die / I expect to find him laughing."

I have a grudging respect for these lyrics. In an age when God has been co-opted by intolerant fundamentalists and mirthless sentimentalists, I appreciate any artist who suggests there's more to the Infinite Spirit than the one-dimensional prig described in the Bible or Koran.

On the other hand, Depeche Mode's notion of the Blooming HaHa is also disinformation. It's as much a hostage to pop culture's knee­-jerk nihilism as the right-wing bigots' God is to their monumental hatreds. One thing I know for sure about the Supreme Being is that while she does have a complicated sense of humor, it's not cruel or vengeful.

Your assignment: Pray to be granted a healing sample of her comedic genius—a funny, unexpected miracle that will free you of any tendencies you have to believe the age-­old lies about her.

6. Will there be prayer in your new religion? If so, we suggest that you avoid the body language traditionally used by Christians in their worship. The gesture of clasping one's hands together originated long ago as an imitation of being shackled; it was thought to be the proper way to express submission to divine power.

The prayers you make, however, may be imbued as much with reverent exuberance or ecstatic gratitude as somber submissiveness. An example of a more apt gesture is to spread your arms as wide and high as they'll go, as if you're hugging the sky. Any other ideas?

7. What if the Creator is like the poet Rainer Maria Rilke's God: "like a webbing made of a hundred roots, that drink in silence"? What if the Source of All Life inhabits both the dark and the light, heals with strange splendor as much as with sweet insight, is hermaphroditic and omnisexual?

What if the Source loves to give you riddles that push you past the boundaries of your understanding, forcing you to change the ways you think about everything? What if, as Rusty Morrison speculates in Poetry Flash, "the sublime can only be glimpsed by pressing through fear's boundary, beyond one's previous conceptions of the beautiful"?

Close your eyes and imagine you can sense the presence of this tender, marvelous, difficult, entertaining intelligence.

9. At one point in James Michener's novel Hawaii, a native Hawaiian tells ignorant missionaries, "You cannot speak to the gods with your clothes on." Whereupon he strips and prepares for prayer. Test this theory. Find out if your communion with the Divine Wow improves when you're naked.

10. "Believing" in God is like "believing" in the taste of fresh-baked bread without ever having tasted actual fresh-baked bread. But what if you could commune with the Divine Wow through up-close, personal encounters that are as vivid as eating fresh-baked bread? Some people have. You could, too. Formulate the intention to do so.

11. Neither God nor the gods are dead, but they seem to be disappearing because so few of us are capable of carrying on authentic relationships with them anymore. The materialist delusion rules: Millions believe that nothing's real unless it can be perceived by the senses. Churches and temples are full of ethical people, but many of them have no clue about how to know or feel or converse with the divine intelligences.

What can the deities do, having been banished from our conscious knowing? Jung said they have no recourse but to worm their way into our lives as sickness and pathology. Repressed, they come in the back door.

Which of your maladies or pains might be gods in disguise? How might you get them to take off their masks and begin knocking on the front door?

12. In Letters to a Young Poet, Rilke urged an aspiring bard to change the way he imagined the Supreme Being. "Why don't you conceive of God as an ally who is coming," Rilke said, "who has been approaching since time began, the one who will someday arrive, the fruit of a tree whose leaves we are? Why not project his birth into the future, and live your life as an excruciating and lyrical moment in the history of a prodigious pregnancy?"

How would your life change if you made this idea your working hypothesis?

13. In The Golden Bough, a historical catalog of magical and religious practices, James Frazer noted that on occasion people have grown exasperated with their god's failure to deliver the desired goods. They may even try to motivate a deity by shaming or abusing him. If the Rain-Bringer has been derelict in his duty, for instance, his statue may be cast out under the hot sun until he shapes up.

A reader sent a letter to the Beauty and Truth Lab about this issue. "After a long stretch of patiently putting up with God's mean-spirited tricks," it read, "I decided I'd had enough. So I fired Him. Now I'm going to create a brand new deity from scratch. Do you have any recommendations on what qualities a truly cool divine being might possess? —The Groggy Awakener"

How would you answer The Groggy Awakener's inquiry?

14. In some ancient Greek dramas, a god showed up out of nowhere to cause a miraculous twist at a crucial point in the tale. This divine intrusion was referred to as theos ek mechanes, literally "god from a machine," because the symbolic figure of the god was lowered onto the stage by a crane. In modern usage, the term is Latin—deus ex machina—and refers to a story in which a sudden event unexpectedly brings about a resolution to a baffling problem.

Write a tale in which you're the beneficiary of such an intervention.

15. In Frederick Buechner's book On the Road with the Archangel, the star is the archangel Raphael. This supernatural helper has a tough gig: gathering the prayers of human beings and delivering them to God.

Here's how he describes the range of pleas he hears: "There are prayers of such power that you might say they carry me rather than the other way around. There are prayers so apologetic and shamefaced and half-hearted that they all but melt away in my grasp like sad little flakes of snow. Some prayers are very boring."

I invite you to compose a prayer that's so powerful and entertaining that it could thrill an archangel.

16. There is no God. God is dead. God is a drug for people who aren't very smart. God is an illusion sold to dupes by money-hungry religions. God is a right-wing conspiracy. God is an infantile fantasy favored by superstitious cowards who can't face life's existential meaninglessness.

JUST KIDDING! The truth is, anyone who says he knows what God is or isn't, doesn't.

17. Born in the 14th century, Catherine of Siena was an eccentric religious leader whose power was enhanced by her unusual style. No other woman in the history of the Catholic Church, for instance, has ever asserted that Jesus personally gave her his foreskin to wear as a wedding ring. And no one else has invoked the image of nursing from the breast of Christ, as she frequently did in her writings.

And yet these quirks were in part responsible for her huge following, which in turn provided her with enough political clout to convince Pope Gregory XI to move the papal residence from Avignon back to Rome.

Consider making Catherine of Siena a saint or tulku in your new religion. What other irresistible freaks might you select to be sacred role models?

18. The German word selig can mean "ecstatic," "blessed," or "holy." It implies that profound bliss can be a divine gift; that deep pleasure may generate or come from spiritual inspiration.

The English language doesn't have a term comparable to selig, maybe because our culture regards ecstasy with suspicion. Religious people tend to believe that the blessed are those who are good and kind, certainly not those who are skilled at cultivating rapturous states of union with all of ceation. Many people who worship rationality, on the other hand, think of holy ecstasy as at best an irrelevant state, and at worst a nonproductive or deluded indulgence.

What would you have to do to place yourself in intimate alignment with the values embodied by the word selig?

19. A Serbian beekeeper shares his deep religious fervor with the insects he spends so much time with. Slobodan Jeftic builds beehives shaped like churches because he believes bees have souls, too.

Draw inspiration from his example. Get together with your favorite animals for a rowdy prayer session. Bark or purr or neigh or chirp together. Run around with holy abandon, expressing primal appreciation for the vitality you've been granted. If you're not currently in an intimate relationship with special animals, then take this as an opportunity to elevate and celebrate the consciousness of your own inner creature.

20. A few years ago, astronomers announced the discovery of a shiny red planet-like world orbiting the sun far beyond Pluto. They called it Sedna, a name they said was derived from the Inuit deity that created the Arctic's sea creatures. But the truth about the myth of Sedna is more complicated.

She is the Dark Goddess, embodiment of the wild female potencies that are feared yet sorely needed by cultures in which the masculine perspective dominates. Dwelling on the edge of life and death in her home at the bottom of the sea, Sedna is both a source of fertile abundance and a mysterious prodigy. Shamans from the world above swim down to sing her songs and comb her long black hair. If they win her favor, she gives them the magic necessary to heal their suffering patients.

I suspect the discovery of Sedna is an omen signaling our collective readiness to welcome back the long-repressed influence of the Dark Nurturer. Do you have room for her in your religion?

Here are some further omens, all of which have pronoia embedded in their dark and fertile musings. 

1. Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés. 

2. Spiritual Madness: The Necessity of Meeting God in Darkness, an audio CD by Caroline Myss. 

3. The Creative Fire, an audio CD by Clarissa Pinkola Estés.

4. My book The Televisionary Oracle. (Read it for free here.)

21. Thousands of scientists are engaged in research to crack the code of the aging process. Their coming breakthroughs may allow you to live a healthy and vigorous life well into your 90s—and even beyond.

How can you contribute to this worthy cause? What might you do to promote your longevity? Brainstorm about possible strategies.

And now I drink a toast to your coffin. May it be fashioned of lumber obtained from a hundred-year-old cypress tree whose seed will germinate this year.

22. Let's move on to discuss the possibility that sooner or later, the physical body you inhabit will expire. Your heart will shut down. Blood will no longer course through your veins. The fleshly vehicle you knew as your home for so many years will rot. Is this the ultimate proof, as some people bitterly proclaim, that there is no God and that pronoia is a lie?

I say no. I say that the Creator includes death as an essential part of evolution's master plan. Lifetime after lifetime, our immortal souls take on a series of temporary forms as we help unfold, in our own small ways, the inconceivably complex plot of the divine drama. Each time we die, it's hard and sad to our time-bound egos. But from the perspective of the part of us that has always been and will always be, it's simply part of the epic adventure.

Assume, for argument's sake, that what I've just said is a fact. Describe how different your life would be if you not only believed but perceived the truth that your essential self will never die, but will inhabit many bodies and live many lives on Earth.

23. In the film Angels in America, the character named Belize describes his vision of heaven. It's not a spotlessly clean gated community where everyone wears white gowns and nothing ever changes.

Rather, it's a "big city, overgrown with weeds, but flowering weeds. On every corner a wrecking crew, and something new and crooked going up catty-cornered to that. Gusts of gritty wind, and a gray, high sky alive with ravens. Piles of trash, but lapidary like rubies and obsidian. Diamond-colored streamers. Voting booths. Dance palaces full of music and lights and racial impurity and gender confusion. All the deities are creole, mulatto, brown as the mouths of rivers."

Inspired by Belize, vamp and riff on your vision of heaven.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Rilke On Love

To love is good, too: love being difficult. For one human being to love another: that is perhaps the most difficult of all our tasks, the ultimate, the last test and proof, the work for which all other work is but preparation. For this reason young people, who are beginners in everything, cannot yet know love: they have to learn it. With their whole being, with all their forces, gathered close about their lonely, timid, upward-beating heart, they must learn to love. 

But learning-time is always a long, secluded time, and so loving, for a long while ahead and far on into life, is — solitude, intensified and deepened loneness for him who loves. Love is at first not anything that means merging, giving over, and uniting with another (for what would a union be of something unclarified and unfinished, still subordinate — ?), it is a high inducement to the individual to ripen, to become something in himself, to become world, to become world for himself for another’s sake, it is a great exacting claim upon him, something that chooses him out and calls him to vast things. Only in this sense, as the task of working at themselves (“to hearken and to hammer day and night”), might young people use the love that is given them. 

Merging and surrendering and every kind of communion is not for them (who must save and gather for a long, long time still), is the ultimate, is perhaps that for which human lives as yet scarcely suffice.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

A few humbling testimonials

             Hey Thanks y'all for so much love...

Here's what Oprah's Coach Martha Beck says about Ilene Hart:
"Ilene Hart is a wisewoman in every sense of the word. As an experienced psychotherapist, consultant and life coach, she has explored both the dark and the light sides of the human journey. Her work with Native American peoples and their traditional wisdom, combined with impressive analytical skills and educational pedigree, makes her uniquely expert at at identifying her client;s deepest goals and most frustrating obstacles. She will help you dismantle your obstacles and achieve your goals with humor, compassion,honesty and intellectual depth."

Alexandra Vance LMFT, Authorized and Certified RH Enneagram Teacher and Coach,
Ilene Hart is a highly intelligent and creative professional who is committed to working with soldiers and their families. She is predictable and responsible in her work ethic. Ilene is capable of organizing programs, delivering service and managing others. She is compassionate and caring. The end result of her work is that she helps soldiers and their families to deal with reality, reframe their stories and determine goals for future achievement. It has been a pleasure to work with Ilene because of her personal integrity and compassion.

Julia Terry, MFLC, MHN Government Services (colleague)
Ilene is a compassionate, friendly and energetic woman. She has much insight to offer and wisdom from her years of living / working. She has a strong combination of positive characteristics which are a delight to be around.”

Debbie Simmer
Ilene is gifted counselor and a blessing to those that meet her and work with her. She has wisdom culled from working with many cultures and clients; she is adept at a wide range of practical tools and techniques; she has compassion and humor~all of which contribute to rapid gains in awareness for her clients. I have worked with Ilene in person, over the phone and with other family members, always with supreme admiration for her work and her deep desire to bring benefit to others.”

Paula Martin
Ilene is a compassionate and caring person. She has helped me out of the darkest, worst period of my life thru her expertise and dedication to my healing. Ilene is someone I will always feel grateful to.

Bill Miller
Ilene was there for me when i needed someone to help me understand myself, my emotions my everything. she was truly inspirational and informative. my life is better because we crossed paths. thank you very much ilene. i love you!”

Becky Schnakenberg, Owner, consultant to major league baseball teams (colleague)
I have know Ilene professionally for almost 20 years, and she has proven to be a compassionate and skilled clinician. She has a wide variety of clinical and managerial skills, but it is her magical way with people which will instantly win you over.”! Recently, I hired her to work with a new Cuban immigrant professional baseball player who is considered to be a big prospect in MLB. She did a fantastic job. She continues to amaze me with her non-judgmental, non-traditional approaches. She's one of a kind

Ken Siegel
Ilene is an amazing person with excellent professional skills and work ethic

Rich Kaplan
Ilene is a deeply compassionate person with excellent interpersonal skills. I would not hesitate to recommend her as a life coach. She is truly gifted.

Nancy Case, MA, LMHC (client)
I met Ilene at a critical turning point in my life's journey and her guidance, support, empathy, therapeutic skills and wisdom helped me navigate the change with strength, compassion and courage. I would recommend her highly to anyone and am grateful to have her as a part of my life!”

Janet Sickler, Clinical Therapist, Janet Rothman Sickler, M.A., L.P.C. (colleague)
Ilene Hart was my colleague in a group practice when I was getting my licensure. She became my supervisor. It was a wonderful opportunity for me to sfaff clients and learn from her astute observations. We have continued meeting and working together in various ways for the past 13 years. She is an excellent diagnostician and clinician, but, more impressive, is her ability to see "outside the box" with clients and recognize their deepest needs, fears, traumas, and passions. Her work is spiritual, motivational as well as practical, direct, challenging, and sensitive. She is able to frame difficult and overwhelming situations a broad and more positive terms. She has been an inspiration to me in my work. She is extremely creative. We have done experiential workshops together with great success. Her ability to use and/or choose a variety of modalities best suited to each client is highly effective. I would recommend Ilene Hart to anyone seeking profound and life changing personal work

Suzi Mason
Ilene was just the support I needed when personal life events became quite challenging. She provided the much needed tools to get my life back on track and headed in the right direction. She is inspiring, uplifting, creative, and fun to work with. I'd highly recommend her as a counselor or coach.”

M'Liss Hadley
Ilene is an amazing counselor. She truly cares for her clients and makes every effort to assist in problem solving and finding happiness in life.”

If You Want To Save The World

"If you want to change the world… love a woman, just one woman

Love and protect her as if she is the last holy vessel. Love her through her fear of abandonment which she has been holding for all of humanity.

No, the wound is not hers to heal alone.

No, she is not weak in her co-dependence.

If you want to change the world… love a woman, all the way through, until she believes you, until her instincts, her visions, her voice, her art, her passion,

her wildness have returned to her-

until she is a force of love more powerful than all the political media demons who seek to devalue and destroy her.

If you want to change the world,

lay down your causes, your guns and protest signs. Lay down your inner war, your righteous anger and love a woman…

beyond all of your striving for greatness, beyond your tenacious quest for enlightenment.

The holy grail stands before you

if you would only take her in your arms

and let go of searching for something beyond this intimacy.

If you want to change the world…love a woman to the depths of your shadow,

to the highest reaches of your Being,

back to the Garden where you first met her, to the gateway of the rainbow realm where you walk through together as Light as One, to the point of no return, to the ends and the beginning of a new Earth.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

San Miguel de Allende 2023


Too Much Woman

There she is. . . the “too much” woman. The one who loves too hard, feels too deeply, asks too often, desires too much.

There she is taking up too much space, with her laughter, her curves, her honesty, her sexuality. Her presence is as tall as a tree, as wide as a mountain. Her energy occupies every crevice of the room. Too much space she takes.

There she is causing a ruckus with her persistent wanting, too much wanting. She desires a lot, wants everything—too much happiness, too much alone time, too much pleasure. She’ll go through brimstone, murky river, and hellfire to get it. She’ll risk all to quell the longings of her heart and body. This makes her dangerous.

She is dangerous.

And there she goes, that “too much” woman, making people think too much, feel too much, swoon too much. She with her authentic prose and a self-assuredness in the way she carries herself. She with her belly laughs and her insatiable appetite and her proneness to fiery passion. All eyes on her, thinking she’s hot shit.

Oh, that “too much” woman. . . too loud, too vibrant, too honest, too emotional, too smart, too intense, too pretty, too difficult, too sensitive, too wild, too intimidating, too successful, too fat, too strong, too political, too joyous, too needy—too much.

She should simmer down a bit, be taken down a couple notches. Someone should put her back in a more respectable place. Someone should tell her.

Here I am. . . the Too Much Woman, with my too-tender heart and my too-much emotions.

A hedonist, feminist, pleasure seeker, empath. I want a lot—justice, sincerity, spaciousness, ease, intimacy, actualization, respect, to be seen, to be understood, your undivided attention, and all of your promises to be kept.

I’ve been called high maintenance because I want what I want, and intimidating because of the space I occupy. I’ve been called selfish because I am self-loving. I’ve been called a witch because I know how to heal myself.

And still. . . I rise. Still, I want and feel and ask and risk and take up space. I must.

Us Too Much Women have been facing extermination for centuries—we are so afraid of her, terrified of her big presence, of the way she commands respect and wields the truth of her feelings. We’ve been trying to stifle the Too Much Woman for eons — in our sisters, in our wives, in our daughters. And even now, even today, we shame the Too Much Woman for her bigness, for her wanting, for her passionate nature.

And still. . . she thrives.

In my own world and before my very eyes, I am witnessing the reclamation and rising up of the Too Much Woman. That Too Much Woman is also known to some as Wild Woman or the Divine Feminine. In any case, she is me, she is you, and she is loving that she’s finally, finally getting some airtime.

If you’ve ever been called “too much,” or “overly emotional,” or “bitchy,” or “stuck up,” you are likely a Too Much Woman.

And if you are. . . I implore you to embrace all that you are—all of your depth, all of your vastness; to not hold yourself in, and to never abandon yourself, your bigness, your radiance.

Forget everything you’ve heard—your too muchness is a gift; oh yes, one that can heal, incite, liberate, and cut straight to the heart of things.

Do not be afraid of this gift, and let no one shy you away from it. Your too muchness is magic, is medicine. It can change the world.

So please, Too Much Woman: Ask. Seek. Desire. Expand. Move. Feel. Be.

Make your waves, fan your flames, give your chills.

Ev'yan Whitney 

Podcast with my longtime friend Joan Jack

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Pronoia: Uproarious Glory

Everywhere You Look: Glory

Soaring roaring uproarious glory is our story


Thousands of things go right for you every day, beginning the moment you wake up. Through some magic you don't fully understand, you're still breathing and your heart is beating, even though you've been unconscious for many hours. The air is a mix of gases that's just right for your body's needs, as it was before you fell asleep.

You can see! Light of many colors floods into your eyes, registered by nerves that took God or evolution or some process millions of years to perfect.

The interesting gift of these vivid hues is furthermore made possible by an unimaginably immense globe of fire, the sun, which continually detonates nuclear explosions in order to convert its own body into light and heat and energy for your personal use.

Your hands work well. Your heart circulates your blood all the way out to replenish the energy of the muscles and nerves in your fingers and palms and wrists. And after your blood has delivered its blessings, it finds its way back to your heart to be refreshed. This wondrous mystery recurs over and over again without stopping every minute of your life.

You can smell intoxicating aromas. You can hear provocative and soothing sounds. You can taste a thousand different tastes. How is any of this possible? You can think thoughts any time you want -- big, wide, colorful thoughts or tiny dark burrowing thoughts. You can revel and wallow in great oceans of emotion. What colossal secret intelligence or improbable series of fabulous accidents conspired to bestow these superpowers upon you?

Language is another stupendous marvel. Millions of souls have cooperated intricately for untold centuries to cultivate a system of communication that you understand very well. Your ability to speak and read and write makes you feel strong and dynamic. It connects you with the world. It allows you to indulge in one of your greatest pleasures, which is to hear and tell stories.

Maybe this is the best gift of all: You have a staggeringly potent creative tool: your imagination. You use it to create mental pictures of things that don't exist yet and that you want to bring into being. Your imagination is the engine of your destiny, the catalyst with which you design your future.

Or maybe this is the best gift of all: You know that you are you. You are exultantly and extravagantly aware that you are alive and conscious and awake and unique. You have a million different feelings and fantasies about what it means to be you.

Do you remember when you were born? It was a difficult miracle that involved many people who worked very hard on your behalf. No less amazing is the fact that you have continued to grow ever since then, with new cells being born within you all the time to replace the old cells that are dying.

At this very moment, there are 50 trillion cells in your body, and each of them is really a sentient being in its own right. They all act together as a community, blessing you with their astonishing collaboration. It's just like magic.

Everywhere you look: glory

Every step you take: glory

Every breath you take: glory glory

Soaring roaring uproarious glory

is our story

This succulent burst of glory has been brought to you by the imaginary lightning bolts you can shoot out the ends of your fingers any time you want to.


"Glory in the Highest" excerpts material from a longer piece called "Glory in the Highest" in the book PRONOIA Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings